How does the ‘Elipse Balloon’ work?

The ‘Elipse Balloon’ balloon takes up space in the stomach, which helps a patient to lose weight because it makes them feel full after consuming smaller amounts of food

The presence of the gastric balloon in the stomach means that there is less available space for food. When you eat, your stomach fills up more quickly, stimulating the receptors in the stomach wall to tell your brain that you are full. You can eat smaller meals and still feel satisfied. After this, patients will need to maintain good eating and exercise habits to keep the weight off. The weight loss balloon can be a good option for patients who have a body mass index (BMI) between over 27 and 40.

The Procedure

The Elipse balloon is enclosed inside a capsule and is attached to a thin, flexible tube long enough to remain outside the patient’s mouth once it is swallowed.

The capsule is approximately the size of a vitamin pill. You swallow the capsule with a glass of water and once you have swallowed the pill, an X-ray will be performed. The X-ray will confirm that the capsule is safely in your stomach.

After swallowing and performing the X-ray, the Elipse™ is filled with 550 mL of saline liquid in less than ten minutes without the use of anaesthesia.  When filling is complete, the tube is removed by pulling it back out through the patient’s mouth.

The Elipse™ is designed to remain in the stomach for 4 months at which point a self-releasing valve opens, allowing the Elipse™ to empty.  The empty device is small, flexible, and smooth and soon passes out of the stomach and is excreted through the gastrointestinal tract.  Once the Elipse™ has passed, the patient can return for another treatment if they desire additional weight


  • It is quick and easy to place

  • It does not require surgery

  • It does not need endoscopy

  • No anaesthesia required to place the balloon

  • No hospital admission

  • It may result in long-term weight loss when used in conjunction with a diet and exercise program.

  • Obese patients who used a swallowable gastric balloon lost on average about 15.2kg over a four-month period 

  • You may feel full quicker and be less hungry while the balloon is in place.

  • The Elipse balloon helps you to accomplish long-term weight loss with no surgery

  • Elipse™ will enable repeat therapy that can be customized to individual weight loss needs

  • Most patients lose around 30% of excess body weight or 10% to 30% of their total starting weight.


Eating with the Elipse Balloon

We may recommend that you only drink liquids for the first couple of days and that you move to solid foods when comfortable. The Elipse balloon will help you feel fuller allowing you to eat smaller portions. Our dietetic team will give you dietary advice on following a healthy balanced diet, mindful eating and changing habits to achieve optimal results.

What happens after the Elipse Balloon has been placed?

You may experience some nausea and discomfort during the first week after the balloon is fitted, but we will supply you with medications to make you feel more comfortable. We will provide detailed information regarding the risks and benefits of the Elipse™

Procedure Information