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Time for transformation
Start your weight loss journey with us!


Weight Loss Assessment

Aim for a healthy weight, Calculate Your Body Mass Index.

What is BMI?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a way of measuring the risk obesity poses to your health, based on your height and weight. Our medical team adopt the BMI as an index for obesity and we also use it to assess a patient’s suitability for weight loss surgery. It has now become the standard formula to determine what is a healthy weight, underweight, overweight and obese. These weight categories are used to help assess a person’s risk of obesity related diseases.

How does it work?

Input your height and weight into the standard BMI formula. BMI is calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by the square of their height in metres (kg/m2). If your BMI is above 30, you are obese.

Use our BMI calculator below to get a better understanding whether you qualify for weight loss surgery.


Bariatrics Overview 



Bariatric surgery is a type or surgery performed to help overweight and obese individuals lose weight. The basic principle of bariatric surgery is to limit food intake and reduce the absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestines. Bariatric procedures also often cause hormonal changes which drive the decrease of appetite and the resolution of different comorbidities such hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, ovarian polycystic disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. 

In 2009 the American Society for Bariatric Surgery (ASBS) changed its name to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) to promote awareness on the beneficial effects of weight loss surgeries in treating metabolic diseases, especially Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). 

Today, the term Metabolic Surgery is used to describe surgical bariatric procedures to treat metabolic diseases, especially, type 2 diabetes. 

Physician experts inspect the causes of obesity, how it can be prevented and intervene to reduce obesity-related conditions. Within bariatric surgery, there are a number of weight-loss procedures that can be performed. All types of bariatric surgery are major procedures, and all are tailored to each individual. The best-known metabolic surgery is the Gastric Bypass which has been performed for over 20 years. Other established procedures are the Gastric Band, Gastric Sleeve and the Biliopancreatic Diversion with or without Duodenal Switch. 

Most weight loss and metabolic surgeries today are performed using minimally invasive techniques, known as laparoscopic, or ‘keyhole’ surgery. 

How can a bariatric surgeon help you? 

Successful results have been shown in patients and longitudinal studies have shown that bariatric procedures cause significant long-term weight loss as well as: 
•   A long-term change in attitude towards healthy eating
•    Improved health and mobility
•    Improved mental wellbeing
•    Boost to self-esteem and self confidence
•    Stop the longer-term urges to regain weight by modifying the appetite drives and food cravings
•    Increase life expectancy


Who does a bariatric surgeon help? 

Our team will perform an in-depth consultation with you and will advise you on the best option for your individual needs. Candidates for bariatric surgery have often been overweight for a long period of time and have failed conventional weight-loss treatments. 

Patients who are interested in bariatric surgery for achieving weight-loss, should be committed to changing their life-style to incorporate healthy food intake and regular exercise, as those are the ones who enjoy long-term success with their weight loss.

Is bariatric surgery a 'Quick Fix' to Lose Weight? 

Although undergoing bariatric surgery results in rapid weight loss, the procedures are principally used for long-term weight-loss maintenance and the improvement of medical conditions caused by obesity. 

At Soma Bariatrics we work with our patients by offering them nutritional support and emotional support, to ensure that patients do not revert back to old eating patterns. It is important and necessary that all procedures are complemented with physical, emotional and dietary changes to ensure maximum long-term results. 




Weight loss surgery is just the beginning of your journey. What you do after and during your procedure is pivotal in achieving your desired results and maintaining your goal weight.

Our team of experts will work with you in providing the right support and advice in every step of your Odyssean weight loss journey. Our approach is patient centric and holistic. This is our core belief system, hence a fully operational multi disciplinary team is involved in order to assist and guide you in every step of your way.

The different members of the Multi Disciplinary Team will provide a different role for your weight management plan.

  • we offer you a dietician to help you with a careful food management and for all your dietary requirements.

  • A psychologist, who will help you overcome some of your behaviour obstacles in losing weight and help you get your confidence back. 

  • Our Physical Personal trainer will assess your fitness level and help you on your way to getting your body back into shape.

  • “The better you look the better you feel”. weight loss can be a cumbersome journey leaving its toll on many patients. Our Aesthetic doctor is there to  freshen your look.

We are an experienced team ready to support you in transitioning in mind, body and health eating. We will work with you to help you build a roadmap to a happier, healthier and more balanced life.



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“Thank you very much.”

“Feeling very well, because when you operated on me after a month and a half of my gastric bypass operation and losing weight, I did not have type two diabetes, thank you very much” 

— A.M.

A true professional!”

 Dr Antequera helped me after my band had slipped, a true professional and a gentleman at the same time, he is an asset to the GHA. S. B.

— S. B.

“Doctor Antequera saved my life. After 2 admissions for vomiting and dehydration with no clue of what was going on, he appeared diagnosed the slippage of my gastric band, operated on me reposition the band for me”

— J.S.